Friday, August 28, 2009

Guilty as charged

School is just starting this week, so its been a routine 2 days. Up at 6am- wake up the kids, make coffee, make lunches, make breakfast drive to school and return home.  Starting next week, I will have two rounds of pick-up and drop off, 3 days a week.
I'm trying to think of alternatives to retuning to work in my old capacity and old schedule.  The only schedule I can figure out, prevents Kaylee from returning to her dance classes. I feel so guilty about this.  There must be an alternative- right?
Anyway, I'm on a fundraising committee for my kid's school and was at a meeting until 12:30am last night.  This is typical and winds up being more social after a while, but AGAIN I feel guilty leaving early.
I better get back to K-I'm feeling guilty about her watching TV on her last day home before pre-school school starts.
Are you sensing a theme?
How can I get rid of the guilt????????

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Even when you don't succeed try, try again!

Hello out there!
I committed to writing in theis blog 3 x a week about 2 years ago. oops- I only wrote twice in 2 years!

This time things are different for me.  I have this terrible habit of second guessing myself. But I'm hoping that writing this blog (with my friends, this time) will help propel me to take the next step---whatever that might be!

My kids are now 4 and 8 and as school is about to start I am faced with a decision.  Return to my part-time, very flexible job--or officially and completely stay at home once and for all....  The financial scales are, of course, tipped in the direction of returning to work.  But my daughter just has 1 year left before she starts kindergarten--full days.  Our family life is definitely more manageble when I don't have a schedule to work with- but is that really best?  Of course ONE HUGE factor in this decision is who will watch my kids when I am not---and herein lies the problem... Will they really be better off with out me? In otherwords- this person watching them has to be BETTER than me, right?

Anyway--I need to get back to the kids, just needed to get this started.  Will blog more after dark when everyone's in bed...